At Powerful Decimal, we offer wealth management expert advice for a select number of globally active individuals, who have had remarkable personal and professional achievements. We advise our clients on evaluating, managing, preserving and unlocking the potential of their wealth. Powerful Decimal applies well-defined guiding principles, aimed at helping clients look after their families and build a personal legacy with a desire to making the world a better place.


At Powerful Decimal, we do not retain custody of clients’ assets or investment portfolios. The clients’ assets and investment portfolios remain at the bank of their choice. If for whatever reason, clients request that we help them select a bank that is more suitable for their needs, we are well positioned to make a referral or a recommendation to a number of leading banks in key financial centers.



Business Strategy

Powerful Decimal offers clients expert advice on evaluating their business strategy, structure and team alignments. We make specific recommendations that produce immediate impact on efficiencies and effect a positive contribution to profitability and the bottom line.


Business Leadership

Our approach to business leadership, combines the ability to steer positive change and deliver top performance, by implementing the appropriate business processes and procedures within a practical and actionable roadmap, balancing short-term tactical and long-term strategic business objectives.


Capital Markets

We consult for governments, small/mid-sized companies and financial institutions on deal sourcing and/or valuation, finding strategic partnerships, tapping selected international investors, accessing international capital markets and structuring and distributing financial transactions.


Interim Leadership

Powerful Decimal can act as an independent sounding board, to provide an unbiased opinion on strategy, financing, transactions, and raising capital. We can also offer our clients interim executive management and business leadership.


Powerful Decimal offers clients a full advisory service ranging from buying or selling, to managing and administering residential and commercial real estate. We work closely with specialized partners to find the right asset, deal or transaction that matches our clients’ investment needs.


Powerful Decimal offers clients a full advisory service ranging from buying or selling, to managing and administering residential and commercial real estate. We work closely with specialized partners to find the right asset, deal or transaction that matches our clients’ investment needs.
